Friday, November 25, 2005

Suzerain Gig & Music Video Online Now!!

Hey Everybody,

Brrr it's cold! Hope you're all wrapped up warm!

2 GREAT things to tell you...

Firstly, a reminder that we're playing the oh so cool and trendy Metro club on Oxford Street on Monday (28th Nov - 19-23 Oxford Street - London), doors open at about 9:00pm, we're on stage just after 10:00. The whole place stays open after the gig and turns into a great club. Entry is £4 with a flyer (see BE THERE!!

Secondly - we've finished the much anticipated 'Life on Film' video!! If you don't remember (or weren't on the mailing list/a friend) we asked you guys to film us playing our song 'Life on Film' when we played the Marquee back in July. Well the video has now been cut and edited by video director Paul Stevenson (Visual Hybrid

Take a look at to view the video, or alternatively go to - you can view it and download it to your computer from there.

We decided to use mobile phones to record a music video for a few reasons, a) mobile phones have invaded peoples lives so much over the past few years. b) people have used mobile phones to donate money for crisis's, yet also to detonate weapons of terror c) it was cheaper than getting a video company in!

Massive thanks to all of you who sent in footage - you're mentioned on our myspace. If we've forgotten to include you please email in and we'll sort it out!! We love the videos you sent in!

So take a look and let us know what you think...

Catch you on Monday!


Mon 28th Nov - Suzerain @ Metro - 19-23 Oxford Street
Check out the video for Life On Film!!