Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Review of Suzerain & Visage

Here’s some reviews of Thursdays gig:


plus photos


More to come…

Visage Gig & Heal Mikes' Hand

Hi Everybody,

Firstly, I’d like to say a huge thanks to all of you who charged the doors of Madame JoJo’s last Thursday to see us play. It was such an awesome gig for us, we didn’t know the place could hold so many people and we thought the floor was gonna cave in with all the dancing! You guys literally amazed us with your enthusiasm - WOW! As always we have some great shots of the gig and they’ll be up on the gallery pages ASAP, we also have a few good ones of you guys in the crowd – so be warned – you may appear on the Suzerain website soon… (if you have any pictures of the gig, or people at the gig send them in to us at pics@suzerainmusic.com).

Unfortunately the fortunes of Suzerain have taken a temporary down-turn. Our beloved bass player Mike Smith has done himself a mischief and broken his poor little hand. It’s ok though – the doctors are working furiously to correct this problem of cosmic proportions, and he’ll either have a brand new bionic hand, or a cast on it for a few weeks - whichever we decide. Our other alternative of gluing some dreadlocks to an old TB303 bassline generator is also still under consideration – we welcome your thoughts on this.

Unfortunately this means that WE WILL BE UNABLE TO PLAY OUR GIG AT THE CABBAGE PATCH IN TWICKENHAM TONIGHT (29 March 2005). We are so sorry to the people who were hoping to catch us there, we’ll still be down there supporting the good cause, we just won’t be playing. It’s for Sports Disability and there 2 other great bands playing (The Vibrants & The Trend), get yourselves down there and party with us anyway.

On the upside, this gives us a break to finish our new demo (every cloud eh Mike!). As some of you will know the tracks on the website are just of Tom & Rich before the full band was formed. We’ve been in the studio and nearly have a completed demo with full band line-up. We’ll be releasing it on the website as soon as it’s ready for you all to devour, so please do keep checking the site and blog.

We have more gigs to announce too, mainly in central London, so again keep checking the site and blog for all the latest.

Heal Mikes' Poor Hand
Our final note for today, on advice of our personal spiritual coach Uri – we need your help. The image to the left is an image of Mike’s mashed up hand (click for larger image), we need you to touch the hand and think good vibes. It only takes a moment, touch the hand, let the good vibes flow. You can also print out the hand and keep it in your wallet, this is just as good.

Catch you soon!

Tom, Rich, Lloyd, Mike & Jim

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Suzerain & Visage Flyers 24th March 2005

Click images for printable versions.
(This ones easier on photocopiers)
Suzerain & Visage Flyer 24th March 2005
Suzerain & Visage Flyer 24th March 2005

Suzerain & Visage Madame JoJo's - SOHO

Hi Everyone,

Hope you're all good and have been enjoying the recent sunshine!

The big night is nearly upon us, this Thursday (24th March 2005) Suzerain will be playing Madame JoJo's in Soho with 80's new romantics Visage.

We've had such a knockout response from everyone, our initial ticket allocation went in an hour and a half! We've had our allocation doubled and we've also reached that limit too. Well done to everyone who's booked in advance. Your tickets will be available on the door, reserved under the name they were booked in, but to guarantee your entry you'll need to be at the venue (link at bottom) by no later than 9:15, plus a Suzerain flyer (See Above) and the £6.00 entry charge.

If you have not booked a ticket but would like to come to the gig you may still be able to get in, as long as you turn up to the venue by 9:00pm on the night of the gig, you'll also need a Suzerain flyer, tickets on the door are also only £6.00.

Those of you who've been to Madame JoJo's before will know about the cheap drinks offers, with bottles of Stella only £2.00 and vodka plus a mixer only £2.00 too – these offers are available all night. Thankfully it's a public bank holiday the next day!

For those of you unable to make it on Thursday (or maybe you'd like to do both), we have another gig for a charity Event at the Cabbage Patch in Twickenham, greater London on Tuesday 29th March. The event is in aid of Disability Sport England. Doors open 7:30pm - £7.00 entry. This is for a great cause, and you'll also get to see great local bands The Vibrants & The Trend. Hope to see you there. Flyer available on website later this week too.

So there you have it, can't wait to see you all there, it's gonna be a great gig and a great way to start the bank holiday weekend, and I don't have to tell you all to dress sexy – because you always do!

Tom, Rich, Lloyd, Mike & Sir James
P.S. After much requests to see more photos of you lovely Suzerettes we will be taking lots of photos of the crowd during the gig, so I guess I will say it again - DRESS SEXY!

Madame JoJo's

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Jagz Gig Gallery

The photo gallery for our Jagz gig on the 1st March 2005 is now up!

Click here to see it.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Suzerain (& Suzerettes) Rocked Jagz!

Hi Everyone,

Hope you’re all good!

Just want to say thanks to everyone who made it down to Jagz in Ascot to see us last night, especially those of you who travelled from London just to see us. It was a really great gig and we had such a good time hanging out with you all. Once again the girls dancing at the front did us proud, I hope we put on as good a show for you guys as you do for us!

Our next gig is the big one, supporting Visage on Thursday 24th March at Madame JoJo’s in Soho, the next day is good Friday so by law you all need to get drunk at the gig on Thursday night. For those of you in the Staines area we’re putting on a coach. Our ticket allocation sold out incredibly quickly when we first announced this gig, but we’ve managed to secure some more, so get in touch ASAP to reserve your place at this gig as it’s likely to sell out.

The next gig after that is going to be a charity event, keep checking the site and blog for full details.

As always we love your emails and comments on the blog so keep posting.

See you at JoJo’s!

Tom, Rich, Lloyd, Mike & Jim (IV)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Suzerain Play Jagz - Ascot 1st March 2005

This is just a reminder to say we're gonna be playing Jagz in Ascot (right by the station) next Tuesday (1st March 2005 8:00pm), we're supporting a band called UNLESS, shouldn't be more than a fiver to get in. Should be a great gig, hope to see lots of you there!

Tom, Rich, Lloyd, Mike & James O'Sullivan IV